
King Of Majesty Piano/Vocal & Lead (Hillsong Worship)
King Of Majesty Piano/Vocal & Lead (Hillsong Worship)
King Of Majesty Piano/Vocal & Lead (Hillsong Worship)
King Of Majesty
Hillsong Worship


Piano/Vocal & Lead Sheet Details

Download the sheet music for King Of Majesty by Hillsong Worship, from the album Blessed. This song was arranged by Daniel Galbraith / Lee Marcum in the key of B, Bb.

SongID 1719
Language English
Album Blessed
Artists Hillsong Worship
Authors Marty Sampson
Arrangers Daniel Galbraith, Lee Marcum
Publishers Hillsong Music
CCLI Song No.3324479
InstrumentsPiano, Guitar
File TypePDF
Available Keys B, Bb
Style Rock
Tempo Fast
ThemeCelebration, Christian Life, Desire, Devotion, Heart, Intimacy, Jesus, Kingship, Love, Majesty, Praise, Savior, Soul


{t:King Of Majesty} {} {k:A} {d_ok:A} {f:©2000 2001 Marty Sampson, Hillsong Publishing (admin in the US and Canada by Integrity's Hosanna! Music), ASCAP. All rights reserved. CCLI song No. 3324479. By Marty Sampson} {c:Intro} [A][/][/][D][|][E][/][/][D][|][A][/][/][F#m][|][E][/][/][D] {c:Verse} [A] You know that I love You,[F#m7] You know that I want to [Esus]Know You so much more, [D2]More than I have be - [A]fore[/][/][D][|][F#m][/][/][D] [A] These words are from my heart,[F#m7] These words are not made up [Esus]I will live for You, [D2]I am devoted to [A]You[/][/][D][|][F#m][/] {c:Pre-Chorus} King [D]of [E]majesty, I have [F#m]one desire Just to [E]be with [F#m]You my [D]Lord, Just to [E]be with [F#m]You my [D]Lord {soc} {c:Chorus 1} [A]Jesus You [D]are the [E]Savior of [D]my [A]soul[/][/][F#][|][E][/] And [D]for - [A]ever and [F#m]ever, I'll [E]give my [D]praises to [A]Yo[/]u[/][D][|][E][/][/][D] {eoc} {c:Instrumental 1} [A][/][/][/][:||][(7x)] {c:Pre-Chorus} {soc} {c:Chorus 2} [A]Jesus You [D]are the [E]Savior of [D]my [A]soul[/][/][F#][|][E][/] And [D]for - [A]ever and [F#m]ever, I'll [E]give my [D]praises to [A]Yo[/]u[/][F#m][|][E][/][/][D] {eoc} {soc} {c:Chorus 1} {eoc} {c:Instrumental} {c:Verse} {c:Pre-Chorus} {soc} {c:Chorus 1 (3x)} {eoc} {c:End} A {define: A base-fret 1 frets x 0 2 2 2 x} {define: D base-fret 1 frets x x 0 2 3 2} {define: E base-fret 1 frets 0 2 2 1 0 0} {define: F#m base-fret 1 frets 2 4 4 2 2 2} {define: F#m7 base-fret 1 frets 2 4 2 2 2 2} {define: Esus base-fret 1 frets 0 2 2 2 0 0} {define: D2 base-fret 1 frets x x 0 2 3 0} {define: F# base-fret 1 frets 2 4 4 3 2 2}...

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