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Split Track Details

Download the Split Track for Psalm 24 (The King Of Glory) by Keith & Kristyn Getty, from the album Facing A Task Unfinished.

SongID 28444
Language English
Album Facing A Task Unfinished
Artists Keith & Kristyn Getty
Authors Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Ed Cash, Chris Tomlin
CCLI Song No.7063703
File TypeMP3
Original Key Am
ThemeExaltation, King, Modern Hymn


Verse 1 The King of glory reigns over all the world His mighty hand sustains the heavens and the earth Who may come to Him and seek His holy face Verse 2 He calls the pure in heart, all whose hands are clean And those who love His name, above all other things Humbly I will bow and Jesus' name confess Chorus 1 He reigns, He reigns, Jesus the Lord He reigns, He reigns forevermore Verse 3 Swing wide you ancient gates, let the King come in His glory never fades, our hearts delight in Him Every knee will bow, every tongue confess Chorus 2 He reigns, He reigns, Jesus the Lord He reigns, He reigns forevermore Bridge 1 Who is this King of glory, the Lord strong and mighty He bore a cross of shame, sing Hosanna Who is this King of glory, the Lord strong and mighty He rose up from the grave, sing Hosanna Bridge 2 Who is this King of glory, the Lord strong and mighty He bore a cross of shame, sing Hosanna Who is this King of glory, the Lord strong and mighty He rose up from the grave, sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna...

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