
Listening Track (MP3) Details

Download the listening track for The Greatness Of Our God by One Sonic Society, from the album One - EP.

SongID 15090
Language English
Album One - EP
Artists One Sonic Society
Authors Jason Ingram, Reuben Morgan, Stu Garrard
CCLI Song No.5660739
File TypeMP3
Style Rock
Tempo Med Fast
ThemeAttributes of God, Greatness, Proclamation, Surrender


{t:The Greatness Of Our God} {} {k:G} {d_t:72} {d_ok:G} {f:?2010 Sony/ATV, Timber Publishing, West Main Music, Stugio Music (SESAC) (All admin. by Sony/ATV). Reuben Morgan, Hillsong Publishing (ASCAP) (admin. in U.S & Canada by Integrity's Hosanna! Music). All rights reserved. CCLI song No. PENDING. By Jason Ingram, Reuben Morgan, Stu Garrard} {c:Intro} [Cma7][/][G6][/][|][D6][/][/][/][|][Cma7][/][G6][/][|][D6][/][/] {c:Verse 1} Give me [Cma7]eyes to see [G6]more of who You [D6]are May what [Cma7]I behold [G6]still my anxious [D6]heart Take what [Cma7]I have known and [G6]break it all a - [D6]part You my [Cma7]God are greater [D6]still {soc} {c:Chorus 1} And no sky [C]can con - [G]tains, no [D]doubt re - [Em7]strains All You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God I spend my [C]life to [G]know and [D/F#]I'm far from [Em7]close to All You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God {eoc} {c:Verse 2} Give me [Cma7/E]grace to [G]see beyond this moment [D/F#]here[D/B] [D/A]To be - [Cma7/E]lieve that there is [G]nothing left to [D/F#]fear[D/B] [D/A]And that [Cma7/E]You alone are [G]high above it [D/F#]all [D/B]You [D/A]my [Cma7/E]God are [G]greater [D/F#]still {soc} {c:Chorus 2} And no sky [C]can con - [G]tains, no [D]doubt re - [Em7]strains All You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God I spend my [C]life to [G]know and [D/F#]I'm far from [Em7]close to All You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God [G]All You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God {eoc} {c:Bridge} And there is [C]nothing that can [G]ever separ - [D]ate us No there is [C]nothing that can [G]ever separ - [D]ate us from Your [Em7]love[Em7/G] No [C]life, no [G]death, of [D]this I am con - [Em7]vinced [Em7/G]You my [C]God are [G]greater [D]still {soc} {c:Chorus 3} No [G/D]sky con - tains, no [D]doubt re - [Em7/D]strains All You [C/D]are, the [G/D]greatness of our [D]God I spend my [C/E]life to [G]know and [D/F#]I'm far from [Em7/B]close[Em7/A] The [G]greatness of [D/F#]our God {eoc} {c:End} And no sky [C]con - [G]tains, no [D]doubt re - [Em7]strains [Em7/G]all You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God I [G]spend my [C]life to [G]know and [D/F#]I'm far from [Em7]close to All You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God [G]All You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God[/][G/D][/] {c:Ending} [C][/][G][/][|][D][/][Em7][/][:||] {define: Cma7 base-fret 1 frets x 3 2 0 0 0} {define: G6 base-fret 1 frets 3 2 0 0 0 0} {define: D6 base-fret 1 frets x x 0 2 0 2} {define: C base-fret 1 frets x 3 2 0 1 0} {define: G base-fret 1 frets 3 2 0 0 3 3} {define: D base-fret 1 frets x x 0 2 3 2} {define: Em7 base-fret 1 frets 0 2 2 0 3 0} {define: D/F# base-fret 1 frets 2 0 0 2 3 2} {define: D/B base-fret 1 frets x 2 0 2 3 2} {define: D/A base-fret 1 frets x 0 0 2 3 2} {define: G/D base-fret 1 frets x x 0 0 0 3} {define: Em7/D base-fret 1 frets x x 0 0 3 3} {define: C/D base-fret 1 frets x x 0 0 1 0} {define: C/E base-fret 1 frets 0 3 2 0 1 0}...