
The Greatness Of Our God Lead Sheet (One Sonic Society)
The Greatness Of Our God Lead Sheet (One Sonic Society)
The Greatness Of Our God Lead Sheet (One Sonic Society)
The Greatness Of Our God
One Sonic Society


Lead Sheet Details

Download the sheet music for The Greatness Of Our God by One Sonic Society, from the album One - EP. This song was arranged by Joel Mott in the key of F, G.

SongID 15090
Language English
Album One - EP
Artists One Sonic Society
Authors Jason Ingram, Reuben Morgan, Stu Garrard
Arrangers Joel Mott
CCLI Song No.5660739
InstrumentsPiano, Guitar
File TypePDF
Available Keys F, G
Style Rock
Tempo Med Fast
ThemeAttributes of God, Greatness, Proclamation, Surrender


{t:The Greatness Of Our God} {} {k:G} {d_t:72} {d_ok:G} {f:?2010 Sony/ATV, Timber Publishing, West Main Music, Stugio Music (SESAC) (All admin. by Sony/ATV). Reuben Morgan, Hillsong Publishing (ASCAP) (admin. in U.S & Canada by Integrity's Hosanna! Music). All rights reserved. CCLI song No. PENDING. By Jason Ingram, Reuben Morgan, Stu Garrard} {c:Intro} [Cma7][/][G6][/][|][D6][/][/][/][|][Cma7][/][G6][/][|][D6][/][/] {c:Verse 1} Give me [Cma7]eyes to see [G6]more of who You [D6]are May what [Cma7]I behold [G6]still my anxious [D6]heart Take what [Cma7]I have known and [G6]break it all a - [D6]part You my [Cma7]God are greater [D6]still {soc} {c:Chorus 1} And no sky [C]can con - [G]tains, no [D]doubt re - [Em7]strains All You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God I spend my [C]life to [G]know and [D/F#]I'm far from [Em7]close to All You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God {eoc} {c:Verse 2} Give me [Cma7/E]grace to [G]see beyond this moment [D/F#]here[D/B] [D/A]To be - [Cma7/E]lieve that there is [G]nothing left to [D/F#]fear[D/B] [D/A]And that [Cma7/E]You alone are [G]high above it [D/F#]all [D/B]You [D/A]my [Cma7/E]God are [G]greater [D/F#]still {soc} {c:Chorus 2} And no sky [C]can con - [G]tains, no [D]doubt re - [Em7]strains All You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God I spend my [C]life to [G]know and [D/F#]I'm far from [Em7]close to All You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God [G]All You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God {eoc} {c:Bridge} And there is [C]nothing that can [G]ever separ - [D]ate us No there is [C]nothing that can [G]ever separ - [D]ate us from Your [Em7]love[Em7/G] No [C]life, no [G]death, of [D]this I am con - [Em7]vinced [Em7/G]You my [C]God are [G]greater [D]still {soc} {c:Chorus 3} No [G/D]sky con - tains, no [D]doubt re - [Em7/D]strains All You [C/D]are, the [G/D]greatness of our [D]God I spend my [C/E]life to [G]know and [D/F#]I'm far from [Em7/B]close[Em7/A] The [G]greatness of [D/F#]our God {eoc} {c:End} And no sky [C]con - [G]tains, no [D]doubt re - [Em7]strains [Em7/G]all You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God I [G]spend my [C]life to [G]know and [D/F#]I'm far from [Em7]close to All You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God [G]All You [C]are, the [G]greatness of our [D]God[/][G/D][/] {c:Ending} [C][/][G][/][|][D][/][Em7][/][:||] {define: Cma7 base-fret 1 frets x 3 2 0 0 0} {define: G6 base-fret 1 frets 3 2 0 0 0 0} {define: D6 base-fret 1 frets x x 0 2 0 2} {define: C base-fret 1 frets x 3 2 0 1 0} {define: G base-fret 1 frets 3 2 0 0 3 3} {define: D base-fret 1 frets x x 0 2 3 2} {define: Em7 base-fret 1 frets 0 2 2 0 3 0} {define: D/F# base-fret 1 frets 2 0 0 2 3 2} {define: D/B base-fret 1 frets x 2 0 2 3 2} {define: D/A base-fret 1 frets x 0 0 2 3 2} {define: G/D base-fret 1 frets x x 0 0 0 3} {define: Em7/D base-fret 1 frets x x 0 0 3 3} {define: C/D base-fret 1 frets x x 0 0 1 0} {define: C/E base-fret 1 frets 0 3 2 0 1 0}...