Vikki Cook
Vikki Cook
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These are the best worship songs that don't have a 3/4, 4/4, or 6/8 time signature. If you are looking for something in 3/7, if it exists, it'll be here.
The modern hymns in this list were made to tell the Gospel story in a way that an entire congregation can sing together, declaring the Gospel to each other and the world! These are the top 100 modern hymns sung in 2021.
We have hundreds of thousands of musicians representing thousands of churches from all over the world. This list gets updated hourly based on all their activity, tracking the top downloaded worship songs in the last week. Check back regularly, because when new songs hit the airwaves, you'll be able to spot the top trending new worship songs very quickly.
In the fourth and final week of Advent, we focus on the theme of joy. The joy of a mother, the joy that filled the angels with song, the joy of salvation. These Christmas worship songs with the theme of joy are perfect for this week of advent. Find more themes on hope, peace, and love. Find Advent and Christmas readings here.
The second week of advent focuses on peace. The peace that the birth of Christ brings over our circumstances, our desires, and our futures. Here is a list of Christmas worship songs with the theme of peace for the second week of advent. Find more themes on hope, peace, and joy. Find Advent and Christmas readings here.