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Finale Files Are Now Included with Orchestrations for Free
For more than 20 years, PraiseCharts arrangers have used Finale as their preferred software to produce all the sheet music arrangements we have in our catalog. Until now, we have sold our original Finale files as an optional add-on purchase after you own the Orchestration PDF. But we are changing things up! News flash - - Finale files are included with your original orchestration purchase for free! Now you have the freedom to tweak the arrangement, change the key, add a part, remove a part, change the font, or change the layout. It gets better ... if you have purchased an orchestration in the past, the Finale file is available for you to download immediately at no extra charge! Finale® is a registered trademark of MakeMusic.
Last Updated: March 14, 2025
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Worship songs that get orchestrated at PraiseCharts have crossed a major threshold. These are the most popular, well-loved worship songs from churches all around the world. This list specifically focuses on orchestrations that have been added to our catalog in the last year, and are specifically trending in the last month.

Top free orchestrations for worship provide churches with beautifully arranged music that enhances the worship experience without the cost. These orchestrations support diverse instruments, allowing worship teams to bring powerful, full-bodied sounds to life in their services. Perfect for congregational singing or special worship moments, download free orchestrations to elevate your worship atmosphere and enable your team to play with excellence, regardless of budget constraints.