
Listening Track (MP3) Details

Download the listening track for The Name by James Pendleton, from the album Seeds of Survival.

SongID 8716
Language English
Album Seeds of Survival
Artists James Pendleton
Authors James Pendleton
CCLI Song No.5853058
File TypeMP3


{t:The Name} {} {k:D} {d_t:85} {d_ok:D} {f:?2010 James Pendleton, PraiseCharts Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. CCLI Song No. PENDING. By Naomi Lippett} {c:Intro (2x)} [D5][/][/][/][|][/][/][/][/][|][G5][/][/][/][|][/][/][/][/] {c:Refrain} In the name of [D5]Jesus, [Db5]in the name of [G5/D]Jesus In the name of [Em7]Jesus, [D/F#]in the name of [G5]Jesus {c:Verse 1} In the name of [D5]Jesus, bonds be broken In the name of [G5]Jesus, let healing come In the name of [D5]Jesus The joy be full to over - [G5]flowing {c:Refrian} In the name of [D5]Jesus, [D2]in the name of [G5]Jesus In the name of [D5]Jesus, [D2]in the name of [G5]Jesus {c:Instrumental 1} [D5][/][/][/][|][Db5][/][/][/][|][G5/D][/][/][/][|][/][/][/][/] {c:Verse 2} In the name of [D5]Jesus, there is hope In the name of [G5]Jesus, we can stand In the name of [D5]Jesus The gates of hell have been thrown [G5]back {soc} {c:Chorus} Let [D5]all the nations come To know the [G5]goodness of Your love Let [D5]all the people see Your grace Re - [G5]vealed in precious blood {eoc} {c:Bridge 1} We are [D5]free, by the [F#m7]blood [G5]We are [D5]free, by the [F#m7]blood [G5]We are [D5]free, by the [F#m7]blood[G5] {c:Instrumental 2} [D5][/][/][/][|][/][/][/][/][|][F#m7][/][/][/][|][G5][/][/][/] {c:Bridge 2} We are [D5]free, by the [F#m7]blood [G5]We are [D5]free, by the [F#m7]blood Of the [G5]Lamb, who was [D5]slain {define: D5 base-fret 1 frets x x 0 2 3 x} {define: G5 base-fret 1 frets 3 x 0 0 3 3} {define: C#5 base-fret 1 frets x 4 x 1 2 4} {define: G5/D base-fret 1 frets x x 0 0 3 3} {define: Em7 base-fret 1 frets 0 2 2 0 3 0} {define: D/F# base-fret 1 frets 2 0 0 2 3 2} {define: D2 base-fret 1 frets x x 0 2 3 0} {define: F#m7 base-fret 1 frets 2 4 2 2 2 2}...