
Christus Victor (Amen) (A Worship Moment) (Choral/SATB) Piano/Vocal (SATB) (Brooke Voland / Travis Cottrell / Arr. Mason Brown)
Christus Victor (Amen) (A Worship Moment) (Choral/SATB) Piano/Vocal (SATB) (Brooke Voland / Travis Cottrell / Arr. Mason Brown)
Christus Victor (Amen) (A Worship Moment) (Choral/SATB) Piano/Vocal (SATB) (Brooke Voland / Travis Cottrell / Arr. Mason Brown)
Christus Victor (Amen) (A Worship Moment) (Choral/SATB)
Brooke Voland / Travis Cottrell / Arr. Mason Brown


Piano/Vocal (SATB) Details

Download the PDF sheet music for Christus Victor (Amen) (A Worship Moment) (Choral/SATB) by Brooke Voland / Travis Cottrell / Arr. Mason Brown, from the album Christus Victor: Hymns of the Gettys (Vol. 1). This song was arranged by Travis Cottrell / Mason Brown in the key of F.


Narration 1 There is only one name that can redeem the world. One name to atone for the sins of many. It is in His name, by His name, and through His name that wrong is made right, old is made new, and death is made alive again. This name is the name above all names! Our Redeemer and Sustainer, our Savior and Lord, our Matchless Maker and Risen King! His name is Jesus, Christ the Victor, now and forever. Verse 1 O most High, King of the ages, Great I am, God of wonders By the blood You have redeemed us, led us through mighty waters Our strength, our song, our sure salvation Chorus 1 Now to the Lamb upon the throne, be blessing, honor, glory, power For the battle You have won, hallelujah, amen Verse 2 O most High, dwelling among us, Son of man, sent for sinners By Your blood You have redeemed us, spotless Lamb, mighty Savior Who lived, who died, who rose victorious Chorus 2 Now to the Lamb upon the throne, be blessing, honor, glory, power For the battle You have won, hallelujah With ev'ry tribe and ev'ry tongue, we join the anthem of the angels In the triumph of the Son, hallelujah, amen Verse 3 O most High, King of the nations, robed in praise, crowned in splendor On that day who will not tremble when You stand, Christ the victor Who was and is and is forever Narration 2 Jesus rose in glorious triumph over sin and death, ascending to the heavens where He reigns eternally at the right hand of God the Father. He has overcome sin, shattered the law's hold, and subdued the powers of darkness. He reigns above every throne, every dominion, and every shadowed force of this world and beyond. Narration 3 Yet His victory also reaches the hidden corners of your soul, bringing light where only He can enter. For those who believe, His triumph becomes your own. So we do not fear the future. We do not grieve as those without hope. Instead, we join the chorus of the angels, a symphony of praise, declaring the everlasting victory of Christ — now and forevermore. Bridge 1 Amen, amen, amen Amen, amen, a- men Amen, amen, a- men Chorus 3 Now to the Lamb upon the throne, be blessing, honor, glory, power For the battle You have won, hallelujah With ev'ry tribe and ev'ry tongue, we join the anthem of the angels In the triumph of the Son, hallelujah, amen Tag Sing the vic'try of the Lamb Hallelujah, amen Bridge 2 Amen, amen, a- men Amen, amen, amen, amen...

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