To The Risen King (7 Song Choral Collection) Orchestrations (Lifeway Choral / Arr. Dennis Allen)
To The Risen King (7 Song Choral Collection) Orchestrations (Lifeway Choral / Arr. Dennis Allen)
To The Risen King (7 Song Choral Collection) Orchestrations (Lifeway Choral / Arr. Dennis Allen)
To The Risen King (7 Song Choral Collection)
Lifeway Choral / Arr. Dennis Allen

Orchestrations Details

Download the Orchestration Collection for To The Risen King (7 Song Choral Collection) by Lifeway Choral / Arr. Dennis Allen, from the album To The Risen King. This song was arranged by Dennis Allen in the key of Various.

SongID 86469
Language English
Album To The Risen King
Artists Lifeway Choral, Arr. Dennis Allen
Authors Dennis Allen, Nan Allen
Arrangers Dennis Allen
Publishers Lifeway Worship
InstrumentsPiano, Keyboard, Guitars, Drums, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, French Horn, Violin, Viola, Cello, Keybaord Synth, Flute/Obo, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax
File TypePDF
Available Keys Various
Genre choral
ThemeChrist, Cross, Crucifixion, Easter, Resurrection, Easter Sunday