
Soprano Rehearsal Track Details

Download the Rehearsal Tracks for your whole choir. Soprano Tracks are sold individually, so be sure to purchase the number of copies you need for each vocalist.

SongID 86466
Language English
Album The Power Of The Cross
Artists Lifeway Choral, Arr. David Hamilton
Authors Keith Getty, Stuart Townend
Publishers Worship Together
CCLI Song No.5567746
File TypeMP3
Genre choral
ThemeModern Hymn, Prayer, Sacrifice, Surrender


Verse To see the King of heaven fall In anguish to His knees The Light and Hope of all the world Now overwhelmed with grief What nameless horrors must He see To cry out in the garden Oh take this cup away from Me Yet not My will but Yours Yet not My will but Yours Verse 2 To know each friend will fall away And heaven's voice be still For hell to have its vengeful day Upon Golgotha's hill No words describe the Saviour's plight To be by God forsaken Till wrath and love are satisfied And every sin is paid And every sin is paid Verse 3 What took Him to this wretched place What kept Him on this road His love for Adam's curséd race For every broken soul No sin too slight to overlook No crime too great to carry All mingled in this poisoned cup And yet He drank it all The Saviour drank it all The Saviour drank it all...

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