
Bass Rehearsal Track Details

Download the Rehearsal Tracks for your whole choir. Bass Tracks are sold individually, so be sure to purchase the number of copies you need for each vocalist.

SongID 85934
Language English
Album The Journey Of Christmas
Artists Lifeway Choral, Arr. Dennis Allen
Authors David Clydesdale, Steve Amerson
Publishers Dayspring Music, Word Music
CCLI Song No.1307770
File TypeMP3
Genre choral
ThemeChristmas, Glory, Hallelujah, Incarnation


Glory, Glory – Chorus Glory, glory in the highest Peace on earth, good will to all men! Down the ages send the echo Let the glad earth shout again Let the glad earth shout again! Glory, Glory – Verse 1 Come and praise the Lord our King. Glory, glory, Hallelujah! Hear the message that we bring. Glory, glory, Hallelujah! Christ is born in Bethlehem He is Song of God and Son of man! Glory, Glory – Chorus Glory, glory in the highest Peace on earth, good will to all men! Down the ages send the echo Let the glad earth shout again Let the glad earth shout again! Glory, Glory – Verse 2 He was sent to earth from heav’n above. Glory, glory, Hallelujah! King of glory, King of love! Glory, glory, Hallelujah! Heaven’s throne proclaims this night That this Child will rule with pow’r and might! Pow’r and might! Glory, Glory – Chorus Glory, glory in the highest Peace on earth, good will to all men! Down the ages send the echo Let the glad earth shout again Let the glad earth shout again! Glory, Glory – Verse 3 Go to Bethlehem and see! Glory, glory, Hallelujah! Worship Him on bended knee. Glory, glory, Hallelujah! Join the song, all heav’n and earth As we celebrate Emmanuel’s birth! God is with us! Glory, Glory – Chorus Glory, glory in the highest Peace on earth, good will to all men! Down the ages send the echo Let the glad earth shout again Let the glad earth shout again! Glory, Glory – Bridge Gloria! Sing glory in the highest Gloria! God will to all men! Gloria! Send out the mighty echo! Let the glad earth shout again! Gloria! Sing glory in the highest Gloria! God will to all men! Gloria! Send out the mighty echo! Let the glad earth shout again and again, singing Glory, Glory – Chorus Glory, glory in the highest Peace on earth, good will to all men! Down the ages send the echo Let the glad earth shout again Let the glad earth shout again Let the glad earth shout again Let the glad earth shout again! Gloria!...