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Split Track Details

Download the Split Track for How Great Thou Art (Choral Anthem SATB) by Lifeway Choral / Arr. Dave Williamson, from the album Non-Seasonal Choral Anthems.

SongID 83040
Language English
Album Non-Seasonal Choral Anthems
Artists Lifeway Choral, Arr. Dave Williamson
Authors Stuart K. Hine
Publishers Capitol CMG, Hope Publishing
CCLI Song No.14181
File TypeMP3
Available Keys Ab
Genre choral
Style Ballad
Tempo Med Slow
ThemeAdoration, Blood, Communion, Creation, Cross, Easter, Good Friday, Greatness, Hymn, Lent, Majesty, Power, Redemption, Second Coming, Sin, Thanksgiving, Wonder, Worship, Memorial Day


Verse 1 O Lord my God When I in awesome wonder Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made I see the stars I hear the rolling thunder Thy pow'r thru'out The universe displayed Chorus Then sings my soul My Savior God to Thee How great Thou art How great Thou art Then sings my soul My Savior God to Thee How great Thou art How great Thou art Verse 2 And when I think That God His Son not sparing Sent Him to die I scarce can take it in That on the cross My burden gladly bearing He bled and died To take away my sin Verse 3 When Christ shall come With shout of acclamation And take me home What joy shall fill my heart Then I shall bow In humble adoration And there proclaim My God how great Thou art...

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