
Listening Track Details

Download the listening track for The Law Of God Is Good And Wise by Traditional Hymn, from the album Open Hymnal.


Verse 1 The law of God is good and wise, and sets His will before our eyes, Shows us the way of righteousness, and dooms to death when we transgress. Verse 2 Its light of holiness imparts the knowledge of our sinful hearts, That we may see our lost estate and seek deliv'rance ere too late. Verse 3 To those who help in Christ have found and would in works of love abound It shows what deeds are His delight and should be done as good and right. Verse 4 When men the offered help disdain and willfully in sin remain, Its terror in their ear resounds and keeps their wickedness in bounds. Verse 5 The law is good, but since the fall its holiness condemns us all; It dooms us for our sin to die and has no pow'r to justify....