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Alto Rehearsal Track Details

Download the Rehearsal Tracks for your whole choir. Alto Tracks are sold individually, so be sure to purchase the number of copies you need for each vocalist.

SongID 81963
Language English
Album Non-Seasonal Choral Anthems
Artists Lifeway Choral, Arr. Travis Cottrell, Orch. Daniel Semsen
Authors Baylus McKinney
Publishers Broadman Press
CCLI Song No.25194
File TypeMP3
Genre choral
ThemeCommitment, Devotion, Follow, Guidance, Surrender


Chorus Wherever He leads I'll go Wherever He leads I'll go I'll follow my Christ who loves me so Wherever He leads I'll go Verse 1 Take up thy cross and follow Me I heard my Master say I gave My life to ransom thee Surrender your all today Verse 2 He drew me closer to His side I sought His will to know And in that will I now abide Wherever He leads I'll go Verse 3 It may be through the shadows dim Or o'er the stormy sea I take my cross and follow Him Wherever He leadeth me Verse 4 My heart my life my all I bring To Christ who loves me so He is my Master Lord and King Wherever He leads I'll go...

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