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Soprano Rehearsal Track Details

Download the Rehearsal Tracks for your whole choir. Soprano Tracks are sold individually, so be sure to purchase the number of copies you need for each vocalist.


The more I know about Jesus The more I love Him The more I think about Calvary The more I thank Him What He does, what He gives How He loves, and who He is The more I know about Jesus The more I know about Jesus The more I know about Jesus The more I love Him The more I know about Jesus The more I love Him The more I think about Calvary The more I thank Him What He does, what He gives How He loves, and who He is The more I know about Jesus The more I know about Jesus The more I know about Jesus The more I love Him More about Jesus would I know More of His grace to others show More of His saving fullness see And more of His love who died for me The more I know about Jesus The more I love Him The more I think about Calvary The more I thank Him What He does, what He gives How He loves, and who He is The more I know about Jesus The more I know about Jesus The more I know about Jesus The more I love Him Oh, how I love Jesus Oh, how I love Jesus Oh, how I love Jesus Because He first loved me The more I know about Jesus The more I love Him The more I think about Calvary The more I thank Him What He does, what He gives How He loves, and who He is The more I know about Jesus The more I know about Jesus The more I know about Jesus The more I love Him Because He first, because He first O, because He first loved me He loves me!...