Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word
Traditional Hymn

Lyrics Details

Download the PDF Chord Charts for Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word by Traditional Hymn, from the album Open Hymnal.

SongID 8141
Language English
Album Open Hymnal
Artists Traditional Hymn
Authors Martin Luther
InstrumentsGuitar, Ukelele, Piano
File TypePDF
Available Keys A, Ab, B, Bb, C, C#, D, Db, E, Eb, F, F#, G, G#, Gb, Numbers, Numerals
ThemeBible, Blood, Christ, Comfort, Death, Earth, Hymn, Jesus, Kingdom, Life, Peace, Praise, Traditional, Unity, Defend, Reformation


Verse 1 Lord, keep us steadfast in Thy Word; curb those who fain by craft and sword Would wrest the kingdom from Thy Son and set at naught all He hath done. Verse 2 Lord Jesus Christ, Thy pow'r make known, for Thou art Lord of lords alone; Defend Thy Christendom that we may evermore sing praise to Thee. Verse 3 O Comforter of priceless worth, send peace and unity on earth. Support us in our final strife and lead us out of death to life....

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