Jesus Christ Who Came to Save Lyrics (Traditional Hymn)
Jesus Christ Who Came to Save
Traditional Hymn

Lyrics Details

Download the PDF Chord Charts for Jesus Christ Who Came to Save by Traditional Hymn, from the album Open Hymnal.

SongID 8118
Language English
Album Open Hymnal
Artists Traditional Hymn
Authors Martin Luther
InstrumentsGuitar, Ukelele, Piano
File TypePDF
Available Keys A, Ab, B, Bb, C, C#, D, Db, E, Eb, F, F#, G, G#, Gb, Numbers, Numerals
ThemeBlood, Christ, Compassion, Death, Deliverance, Easter, Hymn, Jesus, Life, Mercy, Overcoming, Resurrection, Savior, Sin, Traditional, Trust, Prison


Verse 1 Jesus Christ, who came to save, and overcame the grave, Is now arisen, and sin hath bound in prison. Kyri' eleison. Verse 2 Who withouten sin was found, bore our transgression's wound. He is our Savior, And brings us to God's favor. Kyri' eleison. Verse 3 Life and mercy, sin and death, all in His hands He hath; Them He'll deliver, Who trust in Him forever. Kyri' eleison....

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