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Soprano Rehearsal Track Details

Download the Rehearsal Tracks for your whole choir. Soprano Tracks are sold individually, so be sure to purchase the number of copies you need for each vocalist.


Verse 1 There is a song I know it well A melody that's never failed On mountains high in valleys low My soul will rest My confidence in You alone Chorus Hope has a name His name is Jesus My Savior's cross has set this sinner free Hope has a name His name is Jesus Oh Christ be praised I have victory Verse 2 There is a light salvation's flame Christ undefeated trampled the grave See now the cross be lifted high The light has come the light has won Behold the Christ Verse 3 There'll be a day my hope complete Now home in glory Your face I'll see My pain no more my fear will cease I bow my life I fix my eyes On Christ my king I bow my life I fix my eyes On Christ my king...