
Listening Track Details

Download the listening track for Come, Your Heart and Voices Raising by Traditional Hymn, from the album Open Hymnal.


Verse 1 Come, your hearts and voices raising Christ the Lord with gladness praising Loudly sing His love amazing Worthy folk of Christendom Verse 2 Sin and death may well be groaning Satan now may well be moaning We, our full salvation owning Cast our every care away Verse 3 See how God, for us providing Gave His Son and life abiding He our weary steps is guiding From earth's woe to heav'nly joy Verse 4 Christ, from heav'n to us descending And in love our race befriending In our need His help extending Saved us from the wily Foe Verse 5 Jacob's Star in all its splendor Beams with comfort sweet and tender Forcing Satan to surrender Breaking all the pow'rs of hell Verse 6 From the bondage that oppressed us From sin's fetters that possessed us From the grief that sore distressed us We, the captives, now are free Verse 7 Oh, the joy beyond expressing When by faith we grasp this blessing And to Thee we come confessing That our freedom thou hast wrought Verse 8 Gracious Child, we pray Thee, hear us From Thy lowly manger cheer us Gently lead us and be near us Till we join the angelic choir...

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