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Alto Rehearsal Track Details

Download the Rehearsal Tracks for your whole choir. Alto Tracks are sold individually, so be sure to purchase the number of copies you need for each vocalist.


Spoken Word Good morning church.This is the day the Lord has made – and I am so glad to come together to bring a song of praise to our God. We’re here to worship and adore our God, who is alive, and whose presence fills this room. As we prepare our hearts to worship, I wonder if you can take a moment and consider what it means to be faithful. Our God is faithful. He is who he says he is. He does what He says He will do. His nature is good, and his word is true. And how about all of us here together this morning? He has chosen us. He has called us to be faithful. To be full of faith. God, You are faithful ... so, church, I invite you to come and worship Him with all your heart, all your mind, all your heart, all your soul. He is worthy of our praise, amen. Verse 1 O come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem Come and behold Him, born the King of angels Chorus 1 O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord Verse 2 Sing choirs of angels, sing in exultation O sing all ye citizens of heaven above Glory to God, all glory in the highest Verse 3 Yea, Lord we greet Thee, born this happy morning Jesus to Thee be all glory giv'n Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing Chorus 2 O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord Chorus 3 O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord End O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord...

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