Goliath Listening Track (Joshua Leventhal)
Goliath Listening Track (Joshua Leventhal)
Listening Track Details
Download the listening track for Goliath by Joshua Leventhal, from the album Goliath.
SongID | 71591 |
Language | English |
Album | Goliath |
Artists | Joshua Leventhal |
Authors | Joshua Leventhal |
CCLI Song No. | 7115170 |
File Type | MP3 |
Meter | 3/4 |
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Want to see your songs here? You can! The Emerging Artist Program provides an opportunity for worship artists and publishers who are seeking professional distribution and promotion for their recorded works. Our unique program has been developed with emerging artists in mind and was designed to share the worship experience you have created with thousands of worship leaders around the world while enhancing your endeavors as a developing artist or publisher. Check out our corresponding Spotify playlist here!