
Wounded Healer
Audrey Assad


Lead Sheet (SAT) Details

Download the sheet music for Wounded Healer by Audrey Assad, from the album Evergreen. This song was arranged by Jared Haschek in the key of B, G.

SongID 70710
Language English
Album Evergreen
Artists Audrey Assad
Authors Audrey Assad
Arrangers Jared Haschek
CCLI Song No.7102470
InstrumentsPiano, Guitar
File TypePDF
Original Key G
Available Keys B, G
Tempo Med Fast
ThemeHealing, Peace


Verse 1 Image of the Invisible, in our pain we feel you near God of heaven in flesh and bone, by your wounds we shall be healed Chorus Wounded healer, we give our hearts to you. Verse 2 Arms stretched out not to part the seas But to open up the grave Blood poured out not for war, but peace And to show us God’s own face. Bridge No fire; no fury, just death into life Over and over, til all things are right...