
You Will Always Be (Everlasting) Chords & Lyrics (Cory Alstad)
You Will Always Be (Everlasting)
Cory Alstad


Chords & Lyrics Details

Download the PDF Chord Charts for You Will Always Be (Everlasting) by Cory Alstad, from the album You Will Always Be.

SongID 55340
Language English
Album You Will Always Be
Artists Cory Alstad
Authors Cory Alstad, Ryan McAllister
CCLI Song No.7086204
InstrumentsGuitar, Ukelele, Piano
File TypePDF
Original Key A
Available Keys A, Ab, B, Bb, C, C#, D, Db, E, Eb, F, F#, G, G#, Gb, Numbers, Numerals


Verse 1 You are invisible made visible The image and perfect Word of God You are the dawn, the source of everything You are the God who is with us Chorus Forever more my soul will sing Crying ‘Holy, holy, holy’ to the Lord of everything You’re infinite and wondrous, Everlasting here among us You have always been and you will always be Verse 2 We didn’t understand the love of God We couldn’t comprehend your grace Though we were enemies, You welcomed us You are the God who is for us Tag You have always been and you will always be Bridge - 7/4 In Him is life and that life is the light of all of us That light it shines, it won’t be overcome by darkness Tag You have always been and you will always be...