Chum bis starch Chords PDF
Chum bis starch Chords PDF
Chum bis starch
Chords & Lyrics (Editable) Details
Download the PDF Chord Charts for Chum bis starch, from the album Deutsch Lobgesänge.
SongID | 34628 |
Language | German |
Album | Deutsch Lobgesänge |
Authors | Joel Houston |
Publishers | Capitol CMG |
CCLI Song No. | 5409031 |
Instruments | Guitar, Ukelele, Piano |
File Type | |
Original Key | B |
Available Keys | A, Ab, B, Bb, C, C#, D, Db, E, Eb, F, F#, G, G#, Gb, Numbers, Numerals |
Theme | Burden, Courage, Death, Easter, Freedom, God, Grace, Heart, Hope, Justice, Light, Love, Mountains, Overcoming, Pain, Praise, Refuge, Salvation, Shame, Trouble, Ocean |
Verse 1
There is a light, it burns brighter than the sun, He steals the night and casts no shadow
There is a hope should oceans rise and mountains fall, He never fails
#Da git's es Liecht, es Liecht wo d'Sunne überstrahlt, wo d'Nacht bezwingt, er wirft kein Schaate
#S'gid Hoffnig wänn s'Wasser stiigt, dä Berg vergaht er bliibt bestah.
Chorus 1
So take heart, let His love lead us through the night
Hold on to hope and take courage again
#Chum bis starch, sini Liäbi füährt eus dur d'Nacht.
#Heb Zueversicht, und fass neue Muet.
Verse 2
In death by love, the fallen world was overcome, He wears the scars of our freedom
In His name all our fears are swept away, He never fails
#Eus so sehr gliebt d'Wält überwunde dor Sin Tod, diä Narbe stönd für Freiheit.
#Eusi Ängst verblassed i Sim Name ganz, er bliibt bestah.
Chorus 2
All our troubles and all our tears, God our hope, He has overcome
All our failure, and all our fear, God our love, He has overcome
All our heartache, and all our pain, God our healer, He has overcome
All our burdens, and all our shame, God our freedom, He has over come
#Eusi Träne und alli Not, Gott isch Hoffnig, Er hät si besiegt.
#Eusi Fähler und alli Ängscht, Gott isch Liebi, Er hät si besiegt.
#Euse Chummer und alle Schmerz, Gott isch Heiler, Er hät si besiegt.
#Eusi Laschte und alle Scham, Gott isch Freiheit, Er hät si besiegt.
Chorus 3
All our troubles and all our tears, God our hope, He has overcome
All our failures, and all our fear, God our love, He has overcome
God our justice, God our grace, God our freedom, He has overcome
God our refuge, God our strength, God is with us, He has overcome
#Eusi Träne und alli Not, Gott isch Hoffnig, Er hät si besiegt.
#Eusi Fähler und alli Ängscht, Gott isch Liebi, Er hät si besiegt.
#Gott isch gnädig, Gott isch grächt, Gott isch Freiheit, nur Ihm ghört de Sieg.
#Eusi Feschtig, eusi Chraft, Gott isch mit eus, nur Ihm ghört de Sieg.
Tag 1
He has overcome...
© 2010 Hillsong Publishing (Admin Capitol CMG Publishing) CCLI Song No. 5409031
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