
나는 믿네 (사도신경)


Chords & Lyrics (Editable) Details

Download the PDF Chord Charts for 나는 믿네 (사도신경), from the album Worship Songs In Korean.

SongID 32328
Language Korean
Album Worship Songs In Korean
Authors Ben Fielding, Matt Crocker
Publishers Hillsong Music
CCLI Song No.7018338
InstrumentsGuitar, Ukelele, Piano
File TypePDF
Original Key G
Available Keys A, Ab, B, Bb, C, C#, D, Db, E, Eb, F, F#, G, G#, Gb, Numbers, Numerals
ThemeBelief, Church, Declaration, Easter, Faith, Father, Forgiveness, Good Friday, Light, Resurrection, Second Coming, Name, Trinity


Verse 1 Our Father everlasting the all creating One, God Almighty through Your Holy Spirit Conceiving Christ the Son, Jesus our Savior #영원하신 아버지 #창조주 하나님, 전능의 주 #주의 성령으로 #잉태된 주 예수, 우리 구원자 Chorus 1 I believe in God our Father, I believe in Christ the Son I believe in the Holy Spirit, our God is three in one I believe in the resurrection, that we will rise again For I believe in the name of Jesus #하늘에 계신 아버지, 독생자 구주 예수 #성령 하나님 삼위일체, 내가 믿사오며 #몸이 다시- 사는 것과, 영원히 살 것을 #예수 이름으로 믿습니다 Verse 2 Our judge and our defender Suffered and crucified, forgiveness is in You Descended into darkness You rose in glorious light, forever seated high #심판자 또 구원자 #십자가 못 박혀, 죄를 사하셨네 #죽은 자 가운데서 #영광으로 사셔, 보좌에 앉았네 Bridge I believe in You I believe You rose again I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord #주님을 믿네 #난 믿어요 주의 부활 #예수 구세주 나는 믿네 Tag For I believe in the name of Jesus For I believe in the name of Jesus #예수 이름으로 믿습니다 #예수 이름으로 믿습니다 Chorus 2 I believe in life eternal, I believe in the virgin birth I believe in the saints communion, and in Your holy Church I believe in the resurrection, when Jesus comes again For I believe in the name of Jesus #영원히 함께 살 것과, 성령으로 잉태하심 #거룩한 공회와 교회를, 내가 믿사오며 #주님 오실 때 우리 몸이, 다시 사는 것을 #예수 이름으로 믿습니다...