
Ich Tauch Ein (Sinking Deep) Chords & Lyrics ()
Ich Tauch Ein (Sinking Deep) Chords & Lyrics ()
Ich Tauch Ein (Sinking Deep)


Chords & Lyrics (Editable) Details

Download the PDF Chord Charts for Ich Tauch Ein (Sinking Deep), from the album Deutsch Lobgesänge.

SongID 32177
Language German
Album Deutsch Lobgesänge
Authors Joel Davies, Aodhan King
Publishers Hillsong Music, Capitol CMG
CCLI Song No.6605236
InstrumentsGuitar, Ukelele, Piano
File TypePDF
Original Key A
Available Keys A, Ab, B, Bb, C, C#, D, Db, E, Eb, F, F#, G, G#, Gb, Numbers, Numerals
ThemeFaith, Grace, Surrender


Verse 1 Standing here in Your presence in a grace so relentless I am won by perfect love, wrapped within the arms of heaven In a peace that lasts forever, sinking deep in mercy’s sea #Eis me aqui em Tua presença, Diante de graça imensa #Teu amor me conquistou, Com Tua paz Tu me abraças #Me envolves com Tua graça, Teu perdão me inundou Chorus I’m wide awake, drawing close stirred by grace and all my heart is Yours All fear removed I breathe You in I lean into Your love oh Your love #Desperto estou, Atraído ao Teu amor #Meu coração é Teu #Não há temor, Me entrego a Ti #Me rendo ao Teu amor, Oh Teu amor Verse 2 When I’m lost You pursue me, lift my head to see Your glory Lord of all so beautiful, here in You I find shelter Captivated by the splendorof Your face my secret place #Se me perco Tu me encontras, Me restauras pra Tua glória #Meu Senhor tão lindo És, Só Tu és o meu abrigo #Meu desejo é andar contigo, Quero estar onde Tu estás Bridge 1 Your love so deep is washing over me Your face is all I seek, You are my ev’rything Jesus Christ You are my one desire Lord hear my only cry, to know You all my life #Profundo amor, Lava meu interior #Escuta o meu clamor, Te dou tudo o que sou #Cantarei, Jesus Te buscarei #Mais Te conhecerei, Por Ti eu viverei Bridge 2 Your love so deep is washing over me Your face is all I seek, You are my ev’rything Jesus Christ You are my one desire Lord hear my only cry, to know You all my life #Profundo amor, Lava meu interior #Escuta o meu clamor, Te dou tudo o que sou #Cantarei, Jesus Te buscarei #Mais Te conhecerei, Por Ti eu viverei...