Trending Choral Worship Arrangements
Our list pulls in the most popular choral songs on our website, scoring them on a trending scale to help you find new songs for the worshipping choir and re-discover old ones. Find more choral worship and choral anthems here.
Last Updated: December 20, 2024
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Lead sheets with fully arranged soprano, alto and tenor parts are the easy and quick go-to when you want to resource your praise and worship team. Written on a single staff with chords noted above, these high quality charts can be used by the full rhythm section and vocalists. Go in to practice feeling confident in the resources at hand, knowing your team will sound great! Need more vocal resources? Check out our Piano/Vocal Packs.
There is nothing like leading worship with the powerful voices of a worship choir behind you. We have arranged all the top worship songs that can be used for your choir, orchestra, and rhythm section. Plus, if you have any musicians missing, we have MultiTracks to fill in the gaps. Best of all, we've extracted all of the four-part SATB vocals into their own product that we call a Vocal Sheet. This list represents the most popular Vocal Sheets we have today. In other words, these are the songs that demonstrate a strong connection to worship choirs all over the world. Enjoy the list and check back often to see how it shifts over time! Find even more choral music here.