Father's Day Setlist | Overflow Resource
I tried to view these songs through the lens of a father. What would my husband be thinking about on Father's Day? As I thought about it, my heart went straight to declaring truth over our families. The specific words that came to mind were declaration and petition. I know that's what he does over our family every day, as well as my own father, his father, and our lives are a testimony to generations of declaration and petition. Whether you use this setlist in its entirety or as inspiration, my hope and prayer are that it gives an opportunity for the fathers in our lives to be uplifted, reminded of truth and that they have a firm, dependable foundation underneath them, on which they can lean no matter what.
Overflow Resource was created by Andrea Olson after years of working with small and medium-sized churches and the unique challenges that they face. Andrea’s heart is to encourage Churches everywhere that they can be excellent with what they have, where they are. Find out more here.