Permission To Record Video (Synchronization)

You will need to secure a video sync license if you are creating DVDs that include copyrighted songs. A video sync license allows the licensee to make copies of a song within a video. This license covers that song as composed, not any recordings of it. Like the mechanical license, the video sync license royalties go to the song's owners, usually the songwriter and/or their publisher. You will need to secure a mechanical license if you are creating DVDs that include copyrighted songs. Video sync licenses are required whether it is a video of your performance or if you are scoring a video with a recording. Publishers are under no obligation to issue video sync license, and they have complete discretion to deny a request. Video sync license royalties vary, but you should budget for 20 to 30 cents per song per DVD.

If you want to make a CD of someone else's recording of a song, you will need to secure a master recording license in addition to a mechanical license. A master recording license allows the licensee to use a pre-existing recording in their project. This license covers the recording of the song, not the actual composition itself. The royalties from a master recording license go to the recording's owner, usually the performing artist or their record label. You need to get a master recording license if your project will use a preexisting recording owned by someone else. Publishers are under no obligation to issue master recording licenses and they have complete discretion to deny a request. Master recording license royalties vary, but you should budget for 25 to 30 cents per song per copy.

  • The simplest method to acquire video sync and master recording licenses is through the VIDEOready service offered by Christian Copyright Solutions. VIDEOready offers a pre-cleared library of popular Christan songs for your video projects and you can get the video sync license and the master recording license for 69 cents per song per copy. Click here to learn more about VIDEOready.
  • Christian Copyright Solutions makes acquisition of video sync licenses and master recording license simple with its PERMISSIONSplus service. Click here to learn more about PERMISSIONSplus. The CCLI license also includes some limited rights to create DVDs of the music performed during worship services. The license allows a church to make a number of CDs equal to 15% the size of the congregation as long as the CD is not sold for more than $12.