Arranging & Transcribing

We have a wide network of experienced arrangers who are gifted musicians and skilled transcribers with an attention to detail.  If we do not have the song you want available in our existing catalog, we are available to do a custom order.  If you wrote the song, then you own the master files once they are delivered to you.  If the music is appropriate, we may be interested in adding it to our catalog as a distribution deal.  If you do not own the song, then we will only arrange songs for which we can obtain copyright clearance. You would not "own" the arrangement, and we would retain the right to sell that arrangement in our catalog based on copyright clearances that we have obtained.

We have broken the fee up into two parts. The custom arranging fee is a priority fee that jumps your song to the top of our arranging queue. You still must purchase the sheet music from our website in order to account for royalties.

How Much Does It Cost?

Below is an outline of the average cost to have an arrangement done in the typical PraiseCharts format (songs over 6 minutes in length, or with complicated instrumentation may have additional costs):

  • Chord Chart + (from existing chart): $35
  • Chord Chart + (without existing chart): $45
  • Lead Sheet (Melody only): $120 - $165
  • Lead Sheet (SAT vocals): $145 - $210
  • Piano/Vocal (SATB vocals, includes Lead Sheet SAT): $200 - $295
  • Piano/Vocal Pack (includes LS, P/V, Vocal only, Piano only): $250 - $330
  • Instrument Pack (1 grouping of either Winds, Brass, Strings or Sax): $220 - $275
  • Orchestration (Praise Band Style, includes vocal arranging): $750 - $1200
  • Orchestration (Worship Band Style, includes vocal arranging): $1000 - $1800
  • Orchestration (Choral version, includes vocal arranging): $1100 - $2000
  • Multi Track or Band Track (with lead sheet already on the site): $550 - $700
  • Multi Track or Band Track (without lead sheet on the site): $650 - $825
  • Click Track, Rhythm Track or Reason File: $550 - $700

What Is The Process

  • Contact us for a custom order at
  • We ensure copyright clearance
  • We assign to an arranger (which you can request if you want)
  • We post the chart to our site within two weeks
  • You purchase and download the newly available chart on the site

Please note that even though you are paying for the arrangement to be done, that fee is in addition to the chart fee on the site. You are paying a premium to have us add the orchestration to our priority production queue. You will be notified when it is available in our catalog, at which time you can purchase it just like any other arrangement.  On site purchase is a requirement, as copyright use and royalties due are tied to the site purchase.