Clayton Hackett

Clayton Hackett

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Clayton believes that no one should be alone in this world. He believes that isolation is the plan of the enemy and he wants his music to be a place where people can relate and be encouraged no matter where they are at. 

The world is full of people looking for ways and people to express themselves to and with. Clayton explains music for him as an amazing gift from God. He describes it as a place where he can express how he feels in any season of life. Whether he’s in a place of discouragement or overwhelming excitement he says his passion is to convert those feelings into lyrics and melodies. His hope is that anyone who listens to his music can relate to him and realize that they are not the only ones going through what there going through. 

Clayton has released two songs called Believe and Move On. With only two songs released so far he has high hopes for this year. He is excited for the amazing music God will bring this year in 2020!

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