Revival Worship
Revival Worship
Revival Worship is a local church songwriting initiative with the sole purpose of invoking revival into the church by equipping the saints to individual and corporate worship. The Revival Worship movement was birthed by prolific worship songwriter and Californian native Derek Blevins, whose songs have been sung in churches of various denominations and cultures worldwide for decades.
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Are you still looking for new music? You may have missed some of the new songs that have been released by your favorite artist. Here are some of the songs released within the last 30 days.
In some cases, we sell downloadable audio tracks direct from PraiseCharts. In other cases, we simply provide a reference sample of the song that can be purchased on popular sites like iTunes or Amazon. When you purchase an audio file from PraiseCharts, you can make up to five (5) copies for practical uses. This is similar to standards set out by iTunes, etc. If you need to make additional copies, you can purchase them right in your Library.
Every Friday, Christian music publishers release a fresh flow of new music featuring the latest from your favorite Christian artists and songwriters. We keep a pulse on all the new worship songs that churches are widely singing around the world. Check out our curated list of brand new songs in our New Music Friday Worship list. Many of those songs find their way into this list. If you want to keep a pulse on the best music that has been released within the last seven days, this is your list! Check back regularly to see the latest trending songs available with chord charts, vocal charts, instrument arrangements, patches, and multitracks. Listen on Spotify.
PraiseCharts chord charts are transposable, editable, capo friendly and ready for both digital and print use. They match the recordings you know and love, and provide noted tempo and worship-friendly fret diagrams. After experiencing chord charts from PraiseCharts, you may never want to download another kind of chord chart again!
Straight from our arrangers to you. This list is the new release feed for all of our chord charts, sheet music, and multitracks — everything new in one place, all hot off the press. Listen on Spotify. For all the new music released every Friday and each week, check out New Music Friday Worship and New Worship This Week.
As we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, we give thanks for and embrace the power of the Holy Spirit with the authority given through Christ. This is a list of chord charts, special arrangements, and orchestrations designed for your congregation as you declare and celebrate Pentecost or the theme of fire.