Brett Bell
Brett Bell
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This is as up-to-date as it gets. If a new song hits the airwaves and it starts trending fast, chances are you will be able to spot it here. If an old song suddenly spikes because of a unique current event, you'll see that here as well. So get out a bag of popcorn and hit refresh every 10 minutes to watch the race. Listen on Spotify.

There's just something about reading music in classic notation that strikes a chord no chart ever could. If you want to play that new song note for note, not just chord for chord, this is the place for you. Here is a complete list of all our new sheet music. Find choral arrangements for Christmas and Easter here.

Every Friday, Christian music publishers release a fresh flow of new music featuring the latest from your favorite Christian artists and songwriters. We keep a pulse on all the new worship songs that churches are widely singing around the world. Check out our curated list of brand new songs in our New Music Friday Worship list. Many of those songs find their way into this list. If you want to keep a pulse on the best music that has been released within the last seven days, this is your list! Check back regularly to see the latest trending songs available with chord charts, vocal charts, instrument arrangements, patches, and multitracks. Listen on Spotify.

The cross represents the significant sacrifice Jesus made for all of mankind. He took our place, bearing our debt, paying our wages of sin so that we do not have to bear the nail scars but instead can have life everlasting. Here is a compiled list of songs that are centered around the cross. Find more Easter-themed songs and hymns here.

Download sheet music & audio tracks for your Good Friday church worship services, including traditional, contemporary, and modern Christian songs & hymns. We have chord charts, stage charts, piano sheets, vocal sheets, orchestrations & multitracks. Good Friday - A crown of thorns, a cross and crucifixion, death, darkness, a torn veil, a tomb, separation... these words evoke strong emotions, but are the linchpin to our salvation, for as Hebrews tells us, "Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins." Here is a list of songs for commemorating Good Friday. Find more Christian worship songs for Easter.

Download sheet music & audio tracks for your Easter Sunday church worship services, including traditional, contemporary, modern Christian songs & hymns. We have chord charts, piano sheets, vocal sheets, orchestrations, multitracks & more. Easter Sunday is the day of celebration of the hope and glory as Christ has risen. Find more Christian worship songs for Easter.