Lauren Harris
Lauren Harris
Featured Albums
Featured in These Lists
These are the most popular songs arranged for piano and vocal lead for Easter. This comprehensive collection features a wide range of classic Easter hymns and contemporary worship songs, all expertly arranged for piano and voice. Whether you're a seasoned pianist or a beginner, these easy-to-follow arrangements will help you bring the powerful message of Easter to life through music. The clear and concise vocal lines and piano accompaniments make it simple for singers to lead the congregation, while the full piano scores provide enough musical detail for the pianist to create a lush and inspiring musical landscape. Find even more Easter songs and arrangements to support the Easter worship service here.
Download chord charts, piano sheets, lyrics, vocal sheets, choral arrangements, orchestrations, multi-tracks, to best serve your worship team around the celebration of the resurrection power of Christ.
Jesus did for us what we could never do for ourselves. His great sacrifice is the only means by which we could ever obtain our greatest gift of salvation. Out of grateful hearts, we sing songs of praise and adoration for who He is. Here is a list of songs about our Savior, Jesus Christ.