Matthew Ferrer
Matthew Ferrer
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Featured in These Lists
"You have been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat; for the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall." – Isaiah 25:4. Download chord charts, lead sheets, orchestrations, and multitracks on the theme of shelter.
Our God is a mighty fortress. There is safety in His dwelling and comfort under His wings. He is a King that protects, a Stronghold that provides, and a Father that pursues us eternally. Our God is a mighty fortress; a defender of all He calls His own. Here is a list of songs focusing on a fortress.
Even against our greatest giants, God never fails. As we call out for Him in the battles, we are reminded of how He claims victory over wars. His confidence assures us of a protector that never fails, and it is our surrender that allows us to experience the power that is deliverance. It is because of Him our fight is won. Here is a list of songs focused on the battle. Download the chord charts, sheet music, lyrics, orchestrations, patches or multitracks.
We are the children of God and His power will always sustain us when we choose to live by faith. We just need to remember that living by faith takes a boldness and courage to fight for what we believe and take it! Download chord charts, piano sheets, lyrics, vocal sheets, choral arrangements, orchestrations, multitracks on celebrating the boldness we have in Christ.
Our voices are the symphony of our prayers, lifted in adoration to the splendor of God. He hears our faith through our song. He sees our spoken testimony as awakened believers. And because of this, He celebrates alongside the fellowship of His people, commanding His angels to carry on the sound of worship. Here is a list of songs focused on the joyous movement that is singing.