Westover Hills Music
Westover Hills Music
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PraiseCharts chord charts are transposable, editable, capo friendly and ready for both digital and print use. They match the recordings you know and love, and provide noted tempo and worship-friendly fret diagrams. After experiencing chord charts from PraiseCharts, you may never want to download another kind of chord chart again!
Angels sing to praise Him. Nations bow down in reverence of His splendor. The power of Christ’s Lordship is made accessible to us through the passion of His sacrifice. The result of His resurrection is what brings Him universal authority, and what we offer as gratitude is shown through our obedience to Him. Here is a list of songs focusing on Christ’s Lordship.
Split tracks are available for a limited selection of songs at PraiseCharts. A Split Track involves an MP3 stereo file where the vocals are on one channel and the instruments are on the other channel so that you can use the vocals for practice and then pan them down or out for performance.
A rhythm chart is like a lead sheet without the lyrics or vocal lines. By taking the vocal lines out of the staff, there is more room to indicate unique rhythmic notations that are beneficial for guitar, bass, and drums. Generally, these players are not singing with the band, so the vocal lines are not necessary. The advantage of a rhythm chart over a chord chart is that there is more detailed information about the song map and the exact rhythms of the chord progressions.