Cindy Rethmeier
Cindy Rethmeier
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Featured in These Lists
Find top worship songs being sung in churches all across Canada. This list based on songs purchased and downloaded on PraiseCharts by people in Canada, so you know you are singing what your fellow Canadian brother or sister in Christ is singing. Download chord charts, vocal sheets, orchestrations, patches, and multitracks.
We take pride in the precision of our chord charts so that your musicians can sound like a unified band. We put the right chords over the right words, arranged in sections that follow the original recording, measure for measure. Plus, if you want to make any adjustments, you can edit them right inside the site. Your edits will be available by default any time you access the same song in the future! Musicians download our chord charts more than any other product because they are accurate, clear and editable. Here is a list of our top downloaded chord charts for your praise and worship band! Listen on Spotify.
We all need each other. These have been trying and difficult times and often lonely. These are songs that gather around the theme of togetherness and our community; celebrating our God. Whether your church or chapel service is outside or inside, download chord charts, piano sheets, lyrics, vocal sheets, choral arrangements, orchestrations, patches, and multitracks, to best serve your worship ministry.
Life can feel overwhelming, which is why Jesus specifically reminded us, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid" (John 14:27). Here is a list of songs that help you focus your heart on His peace.