Cody Carnes
Cody Carnes
Cody Carnes is a worship leader and songwriter whose passion is to create a meeting place for God and people with music. He spends most of his time traveling and leading worship with his wife Kari Jobe Carnes. The couple have cowritten numerous songs together including "Closer To Your Heart," "The Garden" and "Lover Of My Soul" from her album The Garden and "Let The Heavens Open" from her album Majestic. Cody also wrote "The Cross Has The Final Word" - a hopeful, declarative anthem about the overcoming power of Jesus' name. His debut album was released in August 2017 with Capitol Christian Music Group and released the song "Nothing Else," which he performed live at Passion 2019 for more than 40,000 young adults.
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Here are the top songs that could be sung along with a worship-leading choir, or as special choral performance pieces. Included are all the 4-part harmony (SATB) arrangements and instrument orchestration. Select the option to have vocal sheets printed-on-demand for easy distribution. Find even more choral arrangements here.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”—1 Thessalonians 5:18–18. In Paul's first letter to the church at Thessalonica, thankfulness rounds out the three postures that God desires from us. Find songs and hymns along the themes of joyfulness and prayerfulness, a sense of gratitude shields our hearts from the doubt and cynicism that arises from life's everyday struggles.
Of all the hundreds of song lists we have at PraiseCharts, this is the benchmark. This is the most comprehensive and overarching list we have. Our algorithm pulls in the most popular songs on our website, scoring them on a trending scale to help you find new songs and re-discover old ones. Bookmark this list and check back daily because these songs are always changing.
The latest worship songs are a testament to the talent and passion fo Christian artists. These top new praise and worship songs will uplift and inspire faith. Check back often, because this list will be refreshing often with the top worship songs released from the past month. Listen on Spotify.