Compliments Of Gus
Compliments Of Gus
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These are the most popular songs arranged for piano and vocal lead. Find even more Christmas songs and arrangements to support the Christmas choir and worship band here.
Songs and hymns that have an audio track for Christmas services and productions. Download other Christmas music here and find other products to support the Christmas worship band.
Life can feel overwhelming, which is why Jesus specifically reminded us, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid" (John 14:27). Here is a list of songs that help you focus your heart on His peace.
In some cases, we sell downloadable audio tracks direct from PraiseCharts. In other cases, we simply provide a reference sample of the song that can be purchased on popular sites like iTunes or Amazon. When you purchase an audio file from PraiseCharts, you can make up to five (5) copies for practical uses. This is similar to standards set out by iTunes, etc. If you need to make additional copies, you can purchase them right in your Library.