
God So Loved (World Edition) Chords & Lyrics (We The Kingdom)
God So Loved (World Edition) Chords & Lyrics (We The Kingdom)
God So Loved (World Edition)
We The Kingdom


Chords & Lyrics (Editable) Details

Download the PDF Chord Charts for God So Loved (World Edition) by We The Kingdom, from the album God So Loved (World Edition).

SongID 75611
Language English
Album God So Loved (World Edition)
Artists We The Kingdom
Authors Ed Cash, Scott Cash, Franni Cash, Andrew Bergthold, Martin Cash
Publishers Capitol CMG
CCLI Song No.7138599
InstrumentsGuitar, Ukelele, Piano
File TypePDF
Original Key Bb
Available Keys A, Ab, B, Bb, C, C#, D, Db, E, Eb, F, F#, G, G#, Gb, Numbers, Numerals
Tempo Med Fast
ThemeBelief, Communion, Cross, Easter, Love of God, Good Friday, Goodness, Invitation, Lent, Love, Mercy, Power, Praise, Prayer, Salvation, Sin, Thanksgiving, Table, Failure, Addiction, National Prayer


Verse 1 Si estas cansado, Si estas sediento Ven a la fuente que no acabará Trinkt von dem Wasser, Kommt, habt nie mehr Durst Verse 2 Oh pecadores, Encontrem a graça Venham à mesa, Ele satisfará Ele é bondoso, quem O busca O achará Chorus 1 For God so loved the world that He gave us His one and only Son to save us Whoever believes in Him will live forever Verse 3 Lumapit kayong mayroon kabiguan Entreguem tudo aos pés da cruz Jésus vous attends ses bras sont grands ouverts Lumapit kayo Chorus 2 Deus tanto amou, O mundo que deu Qu’il a donné son fils pour nous sauver Magtataglay ng buhay lahat ng mananalig O inferno pra sempre está derrotado Mon âme enfin connaît la liberté Pagkat mahal ng Diyos ang mundo Bridge 1 Praise God, praise God From whom all blessings flow Lobt ihn, lobt ihn Oh, wie wunderbar er liebt Bridge 2 Louez, louez L’auteur de toutes choses Gloria A Él Por su increible amor, increible amor Breakdown Chorus Pagka't mahal ng Diyos ang mundo Kanyang alay bugtong niyang Anak Chorus 3 For God so loved He world that He gave us Seu único Filho pra nos salvar E aquele que Nele crer vivront à jamais Chorus 4 The power of hell forever defeated Agora eu sei que livre caminho Pagkat mahal, tant aimé le monde Verse 4 Bringt eure Fehler, bringt eure Süchte Kommt, legt sie nieder am Fuße des Kreuz’ Jesus espera, Deus tanto o mundo amou...