
Preciosa Graça De Jesus


Chords & Lyrics (Editable) Details

Download the PDF Chord Charts for Preciosa Graça De Jesus, from the album Worship Songs In Portuguese.

SongID 31094
Language Portuguese
Album Worship Songs In Portuguese
Authors Edwin Excell, John Newton, John Rees, David Shipps
Publishers PraiseCharts Publishing
CCLI Song No.4665065
InstrumentsGuitar, Ukelele, Piano
File TypePDF
Original Key G
Available Keys A, Ab, B, Bb, C, C#, D, Db, E, Eb, F, F#, G, G#, Gb, Numbers, Numerals
ThemeAffirmation, Amazing, Communion, Community, Cross, Easter, Fear, Freedom, Funeral, Grace, Heart, Home, Hymn, Lent, Patriotic, Praise, Salvation, Teaching, Lost, Sanctuary, Memorial Day, Traditional


Verse 1 Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now am found Was blind but now I see #Preciosa graça de Jesus #Que um dia me salvou #Perdido andei sem ver a luz #Mas Cristo me encontrou Verse 2 Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fear relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed #A graça então meu coração #Do medo libertou #Oh quão preciosa salvação a graça #Me outorgou Verse 3 Through many dangers toils and snares I have already come Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far And grace will lead me home #Promessas deume o Salvador #E nEle eu posso crer #É meu refúgio e protetor em todo #O meu viver Verse 4 When we've been there ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we first begun #Perigos mil atravessei #E a graça me valeu #Eu são e salvo #Agora irei ao santo lar do céu...