Great Commission Hymn Chords & Lyrics (Lindy Cofer)
Great Commission Hymn
Lindy Cofer

Chords & Lyrics (Editable) Details

Download the PDF Chord Charts for Great Commission Hymn by Lindy Cofer, from the album All My Life.

SongID 83455
Language English
Album All My Life
Artists Lindy Cofer
Authors Lindy Cofer
Publishers Capitol CMG
InstrumentsGuitar, Ukelele, Piano
File TypePDF
Original Key C
Available Keys A, Ab, B, Bb, C, C#, D, Db, E, Eb, F, F#, G, G#, Gb, Numbers, Numerals
Tempo Slow
ThemeAuthority, Discipleship, Evangelism, Great Commission, Submission


Chorus You’ve given us permission through the great commission Jesus write Your word upon our hearts How could we stay silent when we know who our God is Here You are You’re burning in our hearts Verse 1 All authority in heaven and on earth belongs to You You said go to all the earth and I will surely will be with you Make disciples of all nation, teach them all that I have said Lord, we treasure Your commandments for it is our daily bread Verse 2 As the Father sent His Son, You are sending us We receive Your Holy Spirit as You commission us With Your fire and power, let the kingdom now go forth Not for our own fame or our own name but the glory of the Lord Verse 3 For the gospel will be preached and reach every tongue and tribe Oh Your name will be made known, You’ll be seen by every eye Then the end will surely come, the Bridegroom for His bride All to Jesus, our King, we lay down our lives We lay down our lives...

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