Awake My Soul Devotional

There is a sound that changes thingsThe sound of His people on their kneesOh, wake up, you slumberingIt's time to worship Him Awake My SoulWords and Music by Brooke Ligertwood© 2019 Hillsong Music Publishing Australia At the beginning of this year, our Senior Pastor Brian Houston declared that 'REVIVAL IS IN THE AIR'. This was a statement of faith and expectation, both for the local and global church. It is upon the foundation of Jesus' death and resurrection that everything has new life. This album project for us was a beautiful reminder that the Holy Spirit is always at work in the story of our lives. He was weaving this narrative long before we ever caught on, the idea that REVIVAL – a bringing back to life the people of God from a state of slumber and apathy – is in the air! REVIVAL is unique to the church, to the gathering of God's people. REVIVAL starts with us, but it does not end there. With REVIVAL comes an AWAKENING. The uprising of godly men and women who are committed to prayer, and praise – to not only reading, but obeying the Word of God and to healthy fellowship and community, who's influence and impartation, then impacts the nations. Our AWAKENING goes far beyond the four walls of the church and has a ripple effect to the broader community – it is a picture of God pursuing hearts, beckoning those still asleep, still blinded by sin, back into right relationship with Him. It is our belief that REVIVAL has a sound; that AWAKENING has a sound. It is the sound of God responding to His people praying and seeking Him. Together, a people on their knees, desperate for God to move, will undoubtedly unleash that sound to the nations… Awaken by Lawrence Tribble One man awake,Awakens another.The second awakensHis next door brother.The three awake can rouseA townBy turning the whole placeUpside down.The many awakeCan cause such a fussIt finally awakens theRest of us.One man up,With dawn in his eyesSurely thenMultiplies.

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Awake My Soul Devotional

When God created Adam, he breathed into Adam's body, and the man came to life (Gen. 2:7). What an intimate picture: God's actual breath filling a man's lungs. The breath of life. We see elsewhere in scripture God's desire to fill us with his breath, even if we are technically already alive.One of the most notable places we see this is in Ezekiel. Ezekiel was a prophet handed the unfortunate task of telling the Israelites that, unlike what false prophets were promising, the Israelites would not be delivered from captivity for a long time. At the time, he and about 10,000 other Israelites were captive to Babylonia.But as the Lord gave Ezekiel this depressing message to share, He also gave him a promise. God gave Ezekiel a picture of a valley of dry bones--basically, a large pile of dead and fully decayed bodies. And He told Ezekiel: “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, O dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord. Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live” (Ez. 37:4-5).Breathe on me, breath of God, breathe on me.I come alive, I'm alive when You breathe on me.We have all experienced, are experiencing or will experience a time of captivity. You have suffered loss, you're confused, depressed, captive to an addiction. Whatever it may be, when you are in the valley of dry bones, your thought is primarily what the Israelites' was: “Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are indeed cut off” (Ez. 37:11).The valley is a dark and hopeless place- which is why the Lord showed it to Ezekiel. He showed him the most hopeless and dead image and assured him He could breathe life back into it. Our God breathes life back into us and raises people from the dead. It's his specialty.And it is not a one-time thing. God continues to breathe into us as we need it, which is why we see that pattern so clearly in scripture.Know, then, that the promise of Ezekiel is the promise still: “you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I am the Lord; I have spoken, and I will do it” (Ez. 37:14). Based on the song Awake My Soul by Chris Tomlin. Original post available on YouVersion based on the album Burning Lights.

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