If I Could Have Anything Devotional

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God — this is your true and proper worship.” — Romans 12:1 (NIV) In the song “If I Could Have Anything,” we are invited into a deep and intimate relationship with God, where our greatest desire is to be wholly His — an offering of love and devotion. This song beautifully captures the essence of what it means to live a life surrendered to God, seeking His presence above all else. “May I be like Mary, open to the movements of Your heart…” Mary, the mother of Jesus, exemplifies a heart that is fully open and receptive to God's will. Her willingness to say “yes” to God, despite the uncertainty and cost, is a powerful example of faithfulness. Like Mary, we are called to be open to God's movements in our lives, trusting in His promises and delighting in His presence more than in any gift or achievement. “If I could have anything, let it be Your eyes on me…” There is nothing more transformative than being seen by God. His gaze is not one of judgment but of love and acceptance. Every time we catch His gaze, our world begins to change. It reminds us that our value doesn't come from what we bring to the table but from the fact that we are known and loved by Him. The simplicity of offering our lives, even in our weakness, becomes a profound act of worship. “May I be like David, unconvinced by power or by idols…” David's heart was wholly devoted to God, whether in victory or in the valley of despair. He understood that true worship comes not from external circumstances but from a heart that prioritizes God above all else. We are challenged to love God's Spirit more than our reputation or success, finding our identity in His love alone. “I come alive loving You, I'm overwhelmed by the way You move…” This bridge speaks to the indescribable joy that comes from loving God. It's in those moments of deep connection, where words fall short, that we realize how much we truly need Him. The overwhelming love of God breathes life into our souls, transforming us into living offerings, holy and acceptable to our King. Application: Reflect on what it means to be an offering in your daily life. Are there areas where you're holding back, clinging to your own dreams or reputation? Let this song inspire you to release those things to God, offering your life fully to Him. Seek His gaze above all else, and let your love for Him be the driving force behind everything you do. Prayer: Lord, I desire to be like Mary, open and obedient to Your will. I want to be like David, undistracted by the world's temptations, and fully devoted to You. Help me to offer my life as a living sacrifice, pleasing in Your sight. May Your love be the anthem of my heart, and may I find my true identity in being Your beloved. Amen.

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