Choir Practice Tracks From PraiseCharts
When you purchase Choir Practice Tracks from PraiseCharts, you will receive the following in a zip folder:
- Soprano Vocal Mix - this includes a full mix with all of the harmony parts, sung to the MultiTrack of the particular song.
- Tenor Mix - this includes the full mix with all of the harmony parts, but with the tenor harmony featured in front of the other parts.
- Alto Mix - this includes the full mix with all of the harmony parts, but with the alto harmony featured in front of the other parts.
- Bass Mix - this will include the full mix with all the harmony parts, but with the bass harmony featured in front of the other parts.
Suggested Use
Choir Practice Tracks can be used to help vocalists rehearse their parts: these tracks will assist any vocalist struggling to find his/her part in the song. This is especially helpful in a high-paced environment, where time is limited. Instead of needing to spend those extra 15 minutes during rehearsal to figure out the vocal lines, Choir Practice Tracks give the opportunity for singers to come prepared and comfortable with their given parts.
To see a complete list of songs in our catalog that have Choir Practice Tracks available, go to the Song List page and click on the Choir Tracks checkbox under Search Filters in the right sidebar. That will narrow the list of titles down to only those that have Choir Tracks available.
See also: Vocal Practice Tracks, Rhythm Tracks, Click Tracks, Split Tracks, Multi Tracks.
Copy Permission
When you purchase an audio file from PraiseCharts, you can make up to five (5) copies for practical uses. This is similar to standards set out by iTunes, etc. If you need to make additional copies, you can simply purchase them right on the song page or you can contact us about purchasing additional Permission To Copy.
We want to hear from you!
If you have comments, suggestions, or any feedback, we’d love to hear your thoughts at We believe that Choir Practice Tracks will become a much-needed resource for Worship Choirs everywhere!