
To Be Valued and Completely Valuable

Featuring Darlene Zschech Posted on March 13, 2010


Psalm 45 is the Psalm that the Holy Spirit wrote across the fabric of my being for three whole days and nights when my Pastor asked me to take on the worship de- partment of our church. We took our little family off to the beach for a mini holiday to talk and pray about what this would mean. I was simply overwhelmed with allthe things I didn’t know about this new role, with all the inadequacies I knew about myself and felt would be enough to drown me AND take others down with me! But I stood at the edge of the ocean early one morning and really felt that God was saying I could choose, and whichever way I went, He would give me wisdom, moment by moment, and grace for each day.

Toward the end of Psalm 45 it says, ‘and your sons will take the place of your fathers, you will make them princes throughout the land’.

To be honest, at the time it made NO sense to me, but as the years have evolved and my heart has become more refined and secure with the message of releasing others... well, now it definitely makes sense and reveals to me again God’s heart for succession and multiplication, releasing the sons and the daughters... to see them as the planting of the Lord, in every corner of the globe. Completely stunning!!

And as for the daughters, don’t EVER lose heart and think God could not use you - of course He will.
God made both man and woman, humankind (or kind humans), different but equal, to have dominion, made in His image...

Oh, and what a great idea!!

I have friends who work tirelessly throughout India feeding, teaching and believing in a seemingly forgotten generation. To watch their strategy with the young women to whom often basic education is not even an option (just on this, EVERY person should have access to education – let’s change this!!!), well, the encouragement strategy has literally changed a hopeless atmosphere to one of grand possibility time and time again.

The results they have seen simply through filling an atmosphere with praise and life and GENUINE encouragement, even when this has never been the prevailing culture, has brought about truly stunning outcomes. Where possibility reigns, life breeds life. An outstanding God principle!!

You may look around and it may not be immediately evident to you who you could pour your life into, but I would suggest that you just start with the first one you see, younger or older. It is outstanding to see the possibility in someone start to rise once they know and understand that they are loved and appreciated and have a life that is worth showing up for.

I think that on the earth today there are many places where there certainly has been a shift from a prevailing language of negativity, to a culture of hard work and possibility and that in many places you visit, you will sense an atmosphere of

‘whatever it takes, we will do it!’

A fantastic banner to have over your life, and one made very famous by Mother Teresa who was renowned for taking just whatever was in her hand, and turning it into whatever the need required.

But another great way to live and take this idea further into a ‘releasing others’ framework is ... hey, ‘whatever it takes...YOU can do it!!’

Not out of ‘passing the buck’, but seriously, if every initiative in my own world had to come from me or be outworked by me, we would be in serious trouble!!

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