Hal Leonard Announces Partnership with PraiseCharts
Featuring Ryan Dahl Posted on October 6, 2015

MILWAUKEE—Hal Leonard Corporation, the world’s largest music print publisher, is partnering with PraiseCharts, a leading online resource for contemporary praise and worship sheet music for churches, to bring PraiseCharts to physical print.
Clear, consistent charts, reflecting popular recordings, have built PraiseCharts’ reputation. The new folio collection has three books for each series title, providing highly scalable band combinations: Piano/Vocal & Rhythm Charts (book 1); Lead Sheets & Chord Charts (book 2); and C, Bb, Eb Instruments (book 3).
A wide range of series books is planned for this collection, including Christmas Classics, Hymn Classics, Modern Worship Hits, and Worship Classics. The initial two projects planned are a 25 title Worship book series and a 25 title Christmas book series, with more to come.
These chart collections offer simplified instrumental lines well suited for an easy-intermediate level, and are appropriate for high school students, adult amateurs and pros alike. The arrangements are designed for the flow of live worship. All parts have lyric cues and section numbers to aid players in keeping their place, giving the freedom to make impromptu changes or simply to follow the chart as written.
Along with creating print books, the partnership with Hal Leonard will make PraiseCharts accessible worldwide via Hal Leonard’s cloud-based Digital Asset Management (DAM) distribution system. It also provides new licensing opportunities which will enable PraiseCharts to expand its digital catalog into new types of music.
"I've always viewed Hal Leonard as the undisputed leader in print music distribution. We are excited and humbled to be able to partner with them in a whole new season for us with physical print," says PraiseCharts founder and CEO Ryan Dahl.
About PraiseCharts
PraiseCharts began in the heart of one worship leader who had the desire to serve other worship leaders all over the world. Today, it has grown to become an extensive network of people with a common heart and a shared mission to resource churches with worship music, to encourage leaders in their worship ministries, and to inspire people all over the world to live worshipful lives. You can listen to PraiseCharts Founder Ryan Dahl as he shares the vision behind PraiseCharts at praisecharts.com/introvideo.
Behind PraiseCharts is a team of musicians, worship leaders and worshipers who desire to make contemporary worship music available to churches worldwide. Since 1998, this team has served hundreds of thousands of musicians and worship leaders from around the world, helping PraiseCharts to become a leading online resource for contemporary praise and worship music. They have built a network of arrangers who know the songs people want to sing, and know how to arrange them so they are playable by church musicians and singable by active congregations.
About Ryan Dahl
Ryan is the founder and CEO of PraiseCharts Publishing, Inc. Ryan started PraiseCharts as a worship pastor, struggling to find music in the fast pace of a demanding ministry. Now he carries that pastor's heart alongside his entrepreneurial spirit, leading a company with tremendous growth and momentum during a season of much change in the music industry. PraiseCharts is entirely virtual as a company, and yet very personal, practical, tangible and connected. Ryan leads a team of arrangers, producers and administrators who are interconnected from all over the world. He lives and works from his home in Langley, BC (Canada), alongside his wife and four children.
Category: News
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