
Energize Your Worship Team

Featuring John Telman Posted on April 21, 2009

Singers and musicians in the church have a great challenge to weekly ignite worship. Though songs have been repeated dozens of times, the team must lead as if singing them for the first time. If not, the worship time seems somewhat religious. It sometimes feels like something is missing. Much pressure is on the worship team. The following are a few suggestions that will revitalize your team.

Focus On God
1.    Always turn the team's attention to the character of God through devotionals.
-give them together and/or through emails
-personalize devotionals to encourage individuals

2.    Choose songs that unify the team in worship.
-these will be songs that are “You songs", that speak to God about He is
-use “we” songs more than “I” songs

3.    Speak to the team more about God more than about “how to do” worship.
-major on talking about God as opposed to correcting what is wrong musically
-win the trust of the team by taking them to God

Build Unity On The Team
1.    Pray with each other (listening to the needs of each other) on a consistent basis.
-before, during, and after rehearsal, pray about what matters to members
-let your team know that they matter so much that you pray for them daily

2.    Hang out together. Spend time together apart from rehearsing.
-for no other reason but to build relationship, do things together including social activities

3.    Honor each other with words of encouragement both publicly and privately.
-the Bible teaches us to give honor to one another, so take opportunities to build people

Invest In The Team
1.   Provide books and DVD's and then study together, teaching that will build faith
2.   Take the team to conferences, seminars, and meetings to instruct in more than skills
3.   Be aware of instrument upkeep.
-have instruments repaired
-surprise musicians with items like guitar strings or drum sticks.  Give books and magazines to both singers and musicians

I have had the honor to serve with musicians and singers who, week in and week out, faithfully served. One particular person comes to mind. Darryl faithfully played drums for seven years. He did not miss one rehearsal or one service in seven years. That is amazing since we had four services (three on Sunday and one on Wednesday). He was always on time and full of zeal. What a joy it was to see him coming with his drum sticks. Even now I smile at the thought of my friend.

It is people like Darryl that every church would love to have as a part of their team. The good news is that there are more Darryl's out there. Precious people are part of the church. Leaders do well to nurture an atmosphere of joy and  appreciation in the worship team.

An energized team is a healthy team. It is a group of people that battle through things, not because they are told to, but rather because they are experiencing life through relationship with God. It is important for leaders to recognize that energy is only due to connection with a power source.

A flash light needs the power of batteries that supply energy. When team members struggle, leaders should notice and then help to engage the members with the power source: God. This is done by connecting people with Him. The one who spoke a million times a million worlds into existence is the one who can bring life to any situation. He is not only the life giver, he is also the life sustainer. Imagine who God is. He holds all things together. (Colossians 1:17) All things! That's right! All things! God can certainly energize our worship teams as we pursue him.
