Top Lists

Sometimes it's hard to keep up with all the new music released throughout the year. This is a list that will help you make sense of it all. Out of all the new music released in the last month, this is the best of the best. Check back often, because this list will be refreshing often. These are the top worship songs added this month. Listen on Spotify.

Imagine live brass, wind, and stringed instruments filling out the sound of your modern worship band. It's not just about sounding like the recording -- it's about engaging people of all ages who desperately want to get involved, use their gifts, and play inspiring music. There is room for more than just drums, bass, piano, and guitars. What about trumpets, flutes, violins, cellos, trombones, or clarinets. If you are willing to put them on stage, we have charts to help them fit right in.

So far this year, we already have the top worship songs trending their way up the charts! Download the chord charts, new stage charts, vocal sheets, orchestrations, and multitracks to support the worship band as you introduce these new songs into the worship repertoire.

Tried and true. Call them nostalgic, old, or classic, these songs have stood the test of time at PraiseCharts. Take a look through some of the most memorable praise & worship songs of all time. Many of these songs have piano/vocal, choir sheet, and multitrack arrangements. Check them out here.

These chord charts are all brand new. Each of these songs or arrangements were released within the past twenty-eight days. Browse through this list of top new chord charts to see what is catching on at PraiseCharts right now. Check back regularly because this list is updated daily.